Striving For Greater Value

To remain happy with displaying the animal sides of our natures is; in essence; denying our very humanity. It diminishes the value of the treasure to be obtained to force a woman to give of herself instead of seeking the greater reward of her free choice. I know; having been a male all my life; how hard it is to deny our animal instincts but it is this very fight; so our human minds may seek the greater treasures that await; that makes the fight worth it.

We; as human men; though it’d be easier to give into our instinctual impulses; need this fight because it makes us better men. Human men have always sought out the greatest challenges; to build, to destroy and to conquer. The greatest battle to be fought is the one against our own natures.

When we can rise above the animal; control it; and let our rational mind greater sway, we open endless possibilities because that which we seek most in this world – women – will become something more than the appeasement of a moment’s carnal delight. They become jewels, more precious than diamonds. They become wealth, greater than all the gold on the planet.

This is in response to a recent story concerning several young men forcing themselves on one young woman. The consequences to the young men will be serious but the consequences to that one young woman will be devastating for years; until she finds her value again as someone greater than a few young men’s plaything. She’s a human woman and this alone makes her worth more than all the wealth available.

We; as men; also need to hold ourselves to higher standards and say; “Our lives as free men; for the whole of our lives; are worth more than throwing it all away to appease a momentary desire.” If the woman you seek is worth throwing your life away for then, by all means, let her know the proper way so she may decide if you’re her knight. If the individual woman is only worth a few minutes of your time then value the human being and let her live as she chooses.

This isn’t about denying ourselves anything but giving ourselves a chance at something greater than giving into momentary lapses of control that could see us throwing years of our lives away and; worst of all; damaging a human woman whose only crime was; SHE WAS THERE.

We’re no longer cavemen. We’re no longer barbarians. We have the ability to be greater than that. We have the ability to say; “We’ve grown into HUMAN men and seek the greater experiences that come from balancing emotion with controlled rational thought.”

To all women who’ve experienced this pain or not; YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN PLAYTHINGS. Your free choice in the greatest treasure available.

To all men who’ve fought the battle and attained your woman’s free choice; Congratulations!

A Simple Wish Granted

My world was rocked as she stepped through the door. Long trim legs – kick ass seat – swaying to and fro. What caught me out like a clean right hook were the tears that spoke…

Pain – like the moment of insane memory

Pain – like being told you don’t make the grade

Pain – like you’re sweetest love left with him

Pain – like the heart will break on a dime

It caught me such a blow, I was frozen as she passed. With heart feeling heavy, I walked out to try. She’s gone and I can’t help the burden dragging on my soul. Such was my hope that I’d find her again to heal the hole she left in this world without her smile.

It made me feel…

Pain – like the moment of insane memory

Pain – like being told you don’t make the grade

Pain – like you’re sweetest love left with him

Pain – like the heart will break on a dime

This chance encounter pulled at me for a three week stint. Then out of the blue we’re returned to the point when I’m granted a second try. As she passes, I swallow my fear and say; “Hi.” With hesitant voice she responds in kind.

I ask, “How are you?” She sees the genuine interest but the source has much to be desired. “I’m okay. Thank you.” She turns to leave and I’m about to be left hanging in…

Pain – like the moment of insane memory

Pain – like being told you don’t make the grade

Pain – like you’re sweetest love left with him

Pain – like the heart will break on a dime

I hung my head for the promised ritual I knew by heart. To watch as she took her pain to the next in line to add more. I couldn’t speak for the lump of pain that caused the throat to constrict.

She turns back for a smile and I let her go as my wish was granted.

Before Your Eyes Take That Ride

green eyed bliss

Before your eyes take that ride

Left step, right step, I explode – pop – slam – into your sight.

Starting with the feet,they’re small and sweet; then ride up the calf, so smooth and neat. Keep riding up the thigh to the…Stop!

Before your eyes take that ride, look into mine where my soul resides. Make friends with my pain before you think about the gain.

The journey continues over the rear, keeping in mind the point, “most dear!” – then it’s up the abs I keep in shape, to the mounds of heavenly woman’s…Stop!

Before your eyes take that ride, look into mine where my soul resides. Give me a reason to believe, what’s found within cures your need.

I hold respect to a higher view so, when you think to follow the cues; the heat in your body provides you; my eyes should be your first stop!

Within this face that stirs your need are the orbs which grant you leave so, before your eyes take the ride look into mine and abide; there’s a world within this form that tempts your ardor’s norm and seeks recognition for its value.

If you can’t then…Stop!

Before your eyes take that ride, look into mine where my soul resides. Make friends with my pain before you seek the gain.